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How does Fungus grow on hand

Tinea Manuum The fungus is a highly eukaryotic creature that falls under the fungus of the state in the five-state category proposed by Rh Whittaker. The chlorophyll-free fungus relies on other organisms for food so they are known as examples of heterotrophs penicillium such as Petula etc., causing many diseases especially skin disease one of the most important diseases is a worm called dermatophytes, (Tinea is the technical name for worms), as the skin is the first organ affected affects all kinds of animals such as dogs cattle and humans it is caused by a fungus that feeds on the carotene and produces a circular formation that will appear on ring-like structures on the skin. Therefore, the so-called ringworm causative agent ringworm is caused by a type of trichophyton and the Microsporum souls of the disease in warmer climates such as dressing rooms and towel folders transmission of animals such as mice and flies through clothing that can be treated with dot spots on affected pets. T...


                                  CORONA VIRUS  

      {To download pdf click on this link-    CORONA VIRUS}

 The term Corona came from the Latin word corona which means crown due to its crown-like appearance under a microscope. This type of structure occurs due to the protein spike, which surrounds the core of the genetic material of the virus.
The whole family of the coronavirus is named as coronavirus. Some of the 4-5 different kinds cause common diseases among humans, which may lead from mild cold to mild respiratory illness.
Other varieties of corona affect animals and some time in rare cases we see the coronavirus jump from animal species to the human population.

Coronavirus is not something new; it has been there for a decade. Almost every few years a new coronavirus has been detected. But, the 1st one was discovered in the year 1960, which caused mild respiratory infection in chicken. Since then a number of coronaviruses have been discovered mostly affecting birds, bats, and other small warm-blooded mammals.
These viruses often get mutated inside the animals in which they circulate and in some cases due to the close contact of humans with these animals it may jump from animals to humans and start new disease, which occurs in very rare cases because of corona lives well between 32 degC-35 degC. In this case where the human body temperature is 37 deg C makes the surviving of the virus difficult.
But, the virus also has the ability to modify its genetic material inside a host body (without a host body virus is non-living material) with time, which is known as mutation.
The mutation is the change in genetic material that may occur depending on various factors like any other living organism.
This is how in some way coronavirus has evolved itself in such a way that now it is able to break the barrier and can jump from animal to human body and is able to survive under high temperature.
2019 Coronavirus is not a new case though this time the virus is much more evolved and resistant. But, back in 2002 coronavirus has already affected humans. In Guangdong China coronavirus has mutated itself and jumped from civet cat to humans but, was identified as SARS coronavirus (SARS-Cove) in 2003. Before that is transition was limited from animal to animal.
In the year 2012, MERS-CoV occurred in the Middle East country was transmitted from camel to humans directly or indirectly who have come in contact with these infected dromedary camels.
Again in 2015 MER CoV occurred in Korea.

The latest coronavirus also is known as the NOVEL coronavirus or WUHAN coronavirus, due to its origin from Wuhan, by the end of 2019.
As compared to SARS and MERS it is less lethal but the spreading capacity of this virus is much as compared to the previous coronavirus which has occurred earlier.

As we know that most of the respiratory viruses are spread through large droplets that come out when people cough or sneeze and stay and can land on the surface and then it gets transmitted to another person when they come in contact with those surfaces such as door knock or any other surfaces. Other viruses can spread in the air and stay for a longer period of time in small droplet nuclei.
The COVID-19 virus spread primarily through a droplet of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person cough or sneeze and when a healthy person inhales the droplet from a person who is infected or touches the object and surface where the droplet has landed then they also get infected by the virus. But one thing is clear that the recent virus COVIS-19 does not show any sign of getting transmitted through air thus, it is not airborne.


PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) detects the minute quantity of genetic material of the virus and can amplify it for further study

  •   Stay updated with the news about COVID-19, because this virus is new and when a new virus emerges we often have to learn more and more about it.

    • Regularly and thoroughly wash your hands with alcohol-based hand wash because it removes micro-organisms more effectively as compared to normal hand wash.
    • Maintain at least 1 meter (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing to avoid the droplet which comes out during the process of coughing and sneezing.
    • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth without cleaning your hand to avoid the transfer of viruses if by mistake your hand has been contaminated.
    • Practice good respiratory hygiene which includes covering one's mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing. Dispose of used tissue immediately once after using it.
    • Avoid going out as much as possible and consult your doctor as soon as you face any of the above symptoms.
    •                            Last but not the least eat healthy food which enhances our body immunity because our body immune system works as a barrier for the entry of foreign pathogen those can harm our body.


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