Tinea Manuum The fungus is a highly eukaryotic creature that falls under the fungus of the state in the five-state category proposed by Rh Whittaker. The chlorophyll-free fungus relies on other organisms for food so they are known as examples of heterotrophs penicillium such as Petula etc., causing many diseases especially skin disease one of the most important diseases is a worm called dermatophytes, (Tinea is the technical name for worms), as the skin is the first organ affected affects all kinds of animals such as dogs cattle and humans it is caused by a fungus that feeds on the carotene and produces a circular formation that will appear on ring-like structures on the skin. Therefore, the so-called ringworm causative agent ringworm is caused by a type of trichophyton and the Microsporum souls of the disease in warmer climates such as dressing rooms and towel folders transmission of animals such as mice and flies through clothing that can be treated with dot spots on affected pets. T...
DISEASES - Sporadic, Endemic, Epidemic and Pandemic {To download pdf click on this link- DISEASES- Sporadic, Endemic, Epidemic and Pandemic } SPORADIC what is Sporadic disease? In Sporadic, the disease occurs in irregular intervals or only in a few places, where a few areas of a country such as a district or a village are affected. It includes tetanus, rabies, and plague. PLAGUE What is the plague? Plague is an infectious disease that can be found in some mammals and their fleas. When people get bitten by these infected fleas, which may be due to the very close contact with these animals, they develop a bubonic form of plague, and sometimes the plague progresses and become pneumonic plague when the bacteria reach the lungs. What are its types? 1. Bubonic plague- When infected fleas bite a person the bacteria enters inside the lymph node and multiplies, leading to swollen, tender and painful lymph node known as buboes. In this case, patie...